Black Skirt Tetra
Black Skirt Tetra
(Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)
The Black Skirt Tetra has a few different common names such as the Black Tetra and the Black Widow Tetra. They are very popular among hobbyists and usually available at most fish stores. There are some different color varieties (may be dyed fish, look closely) and even some long fin varieties. The Black Skirt Tetra may lose some of the black coloration as they age. Also check out the White Skirt Tetra profile.
The Black Skirt Tetra can make a nice addition to a community tank with the right mix of tank mates. Avoid keeping them with known fin nippers like tiger barbs and likewise avoid keeping them with fish that have larger fins such as angelfish because Black Skirts have been caught nipping fins themselves. Try to keep your Black Tetras in groups of 5 or more to keep any fin nipping at a minimum, or at least amongst the school.
The Black Skirt Tetra is not very demanding as far as water quality goes and can be recommended to the freshwater beginner. Try to keep them in a large enough tank so you can get a school of them and keep up with those water changes. However, they probably won't make it through a complete aquarium nitrogen cycle that new tanks go through, so make sure that your tank is cycled before introducing them. Yes, this means that you definitely need to have an aquarium test kit.
They are not very picky when it's chow time. Give them a variety of vitamin enriched fish foods and they should do well. Toss them some frozen foods every once in a while as a treat.