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Assassin Snail

Assassin Snail

Regular price $6.99 CAD
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(Anentoma helena) 

If you have a freshwater aquarium that is infested with bladder snails, ramshorn snails, or Malaysian trumpet snails (MTS), it may seem impossible to get rid of them. It’s hard to root out every single egg or baby snail hiding amongst the plants and substrate, and chemical pesticides can often have a negative impact on the other living creatures in your fish tank. Luckily, there is a little helper you can employ that will happily sniff out any pest snails — the amazing assassin snail.

Anentome helena or Clea helena is a beautiful freshwater snail with a pointy, spiral shell that reaches up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. The shell has a ribbed texture and is easily recognized by the alternating dark brown and yellow stripes that look like a bumblebee pattern. You may see it crawling around with a prominently extended siphon tube, which is used to suck in water for passing it across the gills and detecting food. Like the Malaysian trumpet snail, the assassin snail likes to bury itself in sand or gravel substrate, and it will extend its siphon out of the ground, allowing it to easily breathe in fresh water and smell the surrounding area. As soon as it gets a whiff of food in the vicinity, it will pop out of the ground to go hunting.

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